Help! Author of Edgar & Ellen missing.

Chicago, IL September 10, 2008
The Missing Author department of Simon & Schuster has put out the call for help in locating the lost Edgar & Ellen author and the manuscript for his next book.
On the eve of the publication of, Hot Air, the kick-off book in Edgar & Ellen's second series, Charles Ogden has disappeared leaving nothing but a small scrap of paper with two odd words (it's reproduced in the back of the book along with the publisher's urgent plea).
Where is he? Will the second manuscript ever be found? Is there evil afoot or does the name of the new series eerily portend a long and arduous voyage?
The second Edgar & Ellen book series is called "The Nodyssey."
Intrepid sleuths may want to check
Labels: books, Charles Ogden, Edgar and Ellen, kids
look to the twins! they are always up to something but this time i think it's worse.the terrible 2-some are planning something bigger, better and the most terrifying of all the nasty things they've done. be careful or we might not Charles ever again
i think i can find him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i bet you i can find him and you cant
I think he can be found,anything is possible.
(P.S Iv'e read 3 books already!)
i think im might beavale to help im reading 2 books!! the names are "Hot air" (whith missing author details) and "pet's revange" im enjoying then :) plz tell me if i can help,plz im willing to help find Charles Ogden and i am in to this mystery!
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